Office of the president
Thanks to the Kern County residents for years of supporting our NAACP Bakersfield Branch!
Dear Members and Friends:
It is not often an individual has an opportunity to live a dream and at the same time, be able to give service to society. Today, I am living one of my dreams. It is an honor that the Members of the Bakersfield Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the oldest civil rights organization in the country, have collectively agreed to allow me, Patrick Jackson, to provide leadership for the next two years. I would like to CONGRATULATE and thank those of you who have been elected to assist me in various leadership roles, the Officers and At-Large Members of the Executive Committee. I would also like to thank those of you who are present members of the NAACP and those of you who will become members in the very near future, our volunteers, and community and business supporters for your commitment to this necessary and important undertaking.
The NAACP has a rich history. For more than 100 years, our leaders have given their creativity, members have given their energy, and supporters have given their resources. Martyrs have made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives to fulfill our mission. All have given “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
Additionally, all of the residents of our communities; faith based and government leaders; elected officials; our membership (Youth, Regular and Life Members); and the Executive Committee have provided valuable sustenance. But we still have a long way to go. The NAACP has adopted five “Game Changer” issue areas to guide us in our second century: Economic Sustainability, Education, Health, Public Safety and Criminal Justice, and Voting Rights and Political Representation. My expectations are that we rise to an NAACP that is strong; a multi-generational, grassroots army of engaged, equipped, and empowered volunteers and leaders.
As a member of the NAACP, people often ask me one of two questions. The first is whether the NAACP is necessary Today; and the second is what is the NAACP doing. The answer to the first is a very strong YES. All one has to do is OPEN his or her eyes and view the world. Conflicts between various races and cultures are present on every continent and conflict between races in America is at its highest since legal segregation. Blacks and Whites have not grown closer since 1975; but instead they have grown further apart. If the NAACP did not exist Today, we would have to create it. As to what are we doing, just review the work performance of our various committees (Legal Redress, Education, Political Action, Economic Development, Veterans Affairs, Labor Advocacy, Environmental & Climate Justice, Youth Works; just to name a few). A The NAACP is in fact doing a lot; however, we could do more with your involvement, so we ask you to “Please Join the NAACP Bakersfield Branch”.
This is an extraordinary time, membership is filled with extraordinary people; mothers, fathers, sons, daughters– families– revolutionaries of hope . Now is the time that we reaffirm our unity and stand strong for what we believe, for our convictions, for the best in this country, for what is right and just, for what is promised to our children, our youth, and our seniors.
Therefore, I am soliciting the support of all residents to join the NAACP; current members to get involved to support the new incoming administration; and to re-connect with the branch. We must become ONE and UNITED!!! Help us to make a difference in our city/county/state/country.
Thank you for your dedicated service and commitment to the ongoing work of our great Association. Because of you, Courage will not skip this Generation.
The future is calling, and with your help, the NAACP will answer.
Yours Truly,
Patrick Jackson
Dear Members and Friends:
It is not often an individual has an opportunity to live a dream and at the same time, be able to give service to society. Today, I am living one of my dreams. It is an honor that the Members of the Bakersfield Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), the oldest civil rights organization in the country, have collectively agreed to allow me, Patrick Jackson, to provide leadership for the next two years. I would like to CONGRATULATE and thank those of you who have been elected to assist me in various leadership roles, the Officers and At-Large Members of the Executive Committee. I would also like to thank those of you who are present members of the NAACP and those of you who will become members in the very near future, our volunteers, and community and business supporters for your commitment to this necessary and important undertaking.
The NAACP has a rich history. For more than 100 years, our leaders have given their creativity, members have given their energy, and supporters have given their resources. Martyrs have made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives to fulfill our mission. All have given “to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
Additionally, all of the residents of our communities; faith based and government leaders; elected officials; our membership (Youth, Regular and Life Members); and the Executive Committee have provided valuable sustenance. But we still have a long way to go. The NAACP has adopted five “Game Changer” issue areas to guide us in our second century: Economic Sustainability, Education, Health, Public Safety and Criminal Justice, and Voting Rights and Political Representation. My expectations are that we rise to an NAACP that is strong; a multi-generational, grassroots army of engaged, equipped, and empowered volunteers and leaders.
As a member of the NAACP, people often ask me one of two questions. The first is whether the NAACP is necessary Today; and the second is what is the NAACP doing. The answer to the first is a very strong YES. All one has to do is OPEN his or her eyes and view the world. Conflicts between various races and cultures are present on every continent and conflict between races in America is at its highest since legal segregation. Blacks and Whites have not grown closer since 1975; but instead they have grown further apart. If the NAACP did not exist Today, we would have to create it. As to what are we doing, just review the work performance of our various committees (Legal Redress, Education, Political Action, Economic Development, Veterans Affairs, Labor Advocacy, Environmental & Climate Justice, Youth Works; just to name a few). A The NAACP is in fact doing a lot; however, we could do more with your involvement, so we ask you to “Please Join the NAACP Bakersfield Branch”.
This is an extraordinary time, membership is filled with extraordinary people; mothers, fathers, sons, daughters– families– revolutionaries of hope . Now is the time that we reaffirm our unity and stand strong for what we believe, for our convictions, for the best in this country, for what is right and just, for what is promised to our children, our youth, and our seniors.
Therefore, I am soliciting the support of all residents to join the NAACP; current members to get involved to support the new incoming administration; and to re-connect with the branch. We must become ONE and UNITED!!! Help us to make a difference in our city/county/state/country.
Thank you for your dedicated service and commitment to the ongoing work of our great Association. Because of you, Courage will not skip this Generation.
The future is calling, and with your help, the NAACP will answer.
Yours Truly,
Patrick Jackson